Saturday morning jumped out of bed and put on my best suit
(Sabtu pagi melompat dari tempat tidur dan memakai pakaian terbaikku)
Got in my car and raced like a jet, all the way to you
Got in my car and raced like a jet, all the way to you
(Masuk ke mobilku dan berjalan dengan cepat seperti jet, menuju rumahmu)
Knocked on your door with heart in my hand
Knocked on your door with heart in my hand
(Mengetuk pintumu dengan hati di genggamanku)
To ask you a question
To ask you a question
(Untuk menanyakan pertanyaan padamu)
'Cause I know that you're an old fashioned man yeah yeah
'Cause I know that you're an old fashioned man yeah yeah
(Karena aku tahu bahwa kau orang tua yang kolot yeah yeah)
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? (Say yes, say yes)
(Bolehkah kumiliki putrimu seumur hidupku? (Katakan ya, katakan ya)
'Cause I need to know
'Cause I need to know
(Karena aku ingin tahu)
You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die
You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die
(Kau berkata aku tak akn pernah mendapatkan restumu sampai aku mati)
Tough luck my friend but the answer is no!
Tough luck my friend but the answer is no!
(Sial temanku tapi jawabannya tidak!)
Why you gotta be so rude?
(Kenapa kau begitu tak sopan?)
Don't you know I'm human too
Don't you know I'm human too
(Tak tahukah kau aku juga manusia)
Why you gotta be so rude
Why you gotta be so rude
(Kenapa kau begitu tak sopan)
I'm gonna marry her anyway
I'm gonna marry her anyway
(Bagaimanapun aku akan menikahinya)
(Marry that girl) Marry her anyway
(Marry that girl) Marry her anyway
(Menikahi wanita itu) Bagaimanapun kunikahi dia)
(Marry that girl) Yeah no matter what you say
(Marry that girl) Yeah no matter what you say
(Menikahi wanita itu) Yeah tak peduli apa katamu)
(Marry that girl) And we'll be a family
(Marry that girl) And we'll be a family
(Menikahi wanita itu) Dan kita kan jadi keluarga)
Why you gotta be so rude
(Kenapa kau begitu tak sopan)
I hate to do this, you leave no choice
(Aku benci melakukan ini, kau tak memberiku pilihan)
I can't live without her
I can't live without her
(Aku tak bisa hidup tanpa dia)
Love me or hate me we will be boys
Love me or hate me we will be boys
(Sukai aku atau benci aku kita kan jadi anak laki-laki)
Standing at that alter
Standing at that alter
(Berdiri di altar itu)
Or we will run away
Or we will run away
(Atau kita kan melarikan diri)
To another galaxy you know
To another galaxy you know
(Ke galaksi lain, kau tahu)
You know she's in love with me
You know she's in love with me
(Kau tahu dia mencintaiku)
She will go anywhere I go
She will go anywhere I go
(Dia kan ikut kemanapun aku pergi)
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? (Say yes, say yes)
(Bolehkah kumiliki putrimu seumur hidupku? (Katakan ya, katakan ya)
'Cause I need to know
'Cause I need to know
(Karena aku ingin tahu)
You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die
You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die
(Kau berkata aku tak akn pernah mendapatkan restumu sampai aku mati)
Tough luck my friend but the answer is no!
Tough luck my friend but the answer is no!
(Sial temanku tapi jawabannya tidak!)
Why you gotta be so rude?
(Kenapa kau begitu tak sopan?)
Don't you know I'm human too
Don't you know I'm human too
(Tak tahukah kau aku juga manusia)
Why you gotta be so rude
Why you gotta be so rude
(Kenapa kau begitu tak sopan)
I'm gonna marry her anyway
I'm gonna marry her anyway
(Bagaimanapun aku akan menikahinya)
(Marry that girl) Marry her anyway
(Marry that girl) Marry her anyway
(Menikahi wanita itu) Bagaimanapun kunikahi dia)
(Marry that girl) Yeah no matter what you say
(Marry that girl) Yeah no matter what you say
(Menikahi wanita itu) Yeah tak peduli apa katamu)
(Marry that girl) And we'll be a family
(Marry that girl) And we'll be a family
(Menikahi wanita itu) Dan kita kan jadi keluarga)
Why you gotta be so rude
(Kenapa kau begitu tak sopan)
(Tak sopan)
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? (Say yes, say yes)
(Bolehkah kumiliki putrimu seumur hidupku? (Katakan ya, katakan ya)
'Cause I need to know
'Cause I need to know
(Karena aku ingin tahu)
You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die
You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die
(Kau berkata aku tak akn pernah mendapatkan restumu sampai aku mati)
Tough luck my friend but the answer is no!
Tough luck my friend but the answer is no!
(Sial temanku tapi jawabannya tidak!)
Why you gotta be so rude?
(Kenapa kau begitu tak sopan?)
Don't you know I'm human too
Don't you know I'm human too
(Tak tahukah kau aku juga manusia)
Why you gotta be so rude
Why you gotta be so rude
(Kenapa kau begitu tak sopan)
I'm gonna marry her anyway
I'm gonna marry her anyway
(Bagaimanapun aku akan menikahinya)
(Marry that girl) Marry her anyway
(Marry that girl) Marry her anyway
(Menikahi wanita itu) Bagaimanapun kunikahi dia)
(Marry that girl) Yeah no matter what you say
(Marry that girl) Yeah no matter what you say
(Menikahi wanita itu) Yeah tak peduli apa katamu)
(Marry that girl) And we'll be a family
(Marry that girl) And we'll be a family
(Menikahi wanita itu) Dan kita kan jadi keluarga)
Why you gotta be so rude
(Kenapa kau begitu tak sopan)
Why you gotta be so rude? (Yeah)
(Kenapa kau begitu tak sopan) (Yeah)
Why you gotta be so rude?
Why you gotta be so rude?
(Kenapa kau begitu tak sopan)
WAHYU gonna be so rude..Wahyu, iya Wahyu..Wahyu kamu itu..hahaha*abaikan part ini*
My Fairytale:
"No matter how old are you, if you aren't respect me, I can't respect you"
Aku tahu kau begitu mencintaiku..
Dan cintamu tulus..
Kau begitu sabar dan menerimaku apa adanya..
Aku tahu,
kau benar-benar lelaki baik..
Tapi tidak dengan ayahmu..
Aku tak akan pernah bisa,
menghormati orang yang pernah merendahkanku,
dan membuatku malu di depan mereka..
Kau memang tak pernah menyakiti hatiku,
tapi dia,
menyakitiku begitu dalam..
Dan sampai saat ini,
aku tak pernah lupa,
meski tahun demi tahun telah berganti..
~Ben's Request~
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