With this ink in our skin, we've sealed our fate
(Dengan tinta di kulit kita ini, takdir kita telah disegel)
And the axe comes early
And the axe comes early
(Dan kapak datang awal)
(Only naturally)
(Only naturally)
So what does that matter?
(Jadi apa itu penting?)
There's a bed of skeletons waiting for me
There's a bed of skeletons waiting for me
(Ada seranjang tulang menungguku)
On the other side
On the other side
(Disisi lain)
They're waiting for my next move
(Mereka menunggu perpindahanku)
(Next fatal breath)
Human lives to me seem so unreal, can't see through the fog
(Next fatal breath)
Human lives to me seem so unreal, can't see through the fog
(Kehidupan manusia untuku seperti tidak nyata, tak bisa terlihat melalui kabut)
(Nothing past a gray wall)
(Nothing past a gray wall)
See past the stereotype
(Lihat masa lalu yang klise)
Belief, structure built up in you
Belief, structure built up in you
(Keyakinan, membangunmu)
I'll tear you down and the one who created you
I'll tear you down and the one who created you
(Ku kan menjatuhkanmu dan orang yang menciptakanmu)
If they didn't have one how would they act?
(Jika mereka tidak punya cara tuk bertindak??)
If we didn't have hope how would we behave?
If we didn't have hope how would we behave?
(Jika kita tidak punya harapan bagaimana kita bisa bertingkah?)
Would they still feel remorse if they slaughtered innocent beings
Would they still feel remorse if they slaughtered innocent beings
(Akankah mereka tetap merasa menyesal jika mereka membantai makhluk tak berdosa)
Or is hope the only thing that keeps you sane?
Or is hope the only thing that keeps you sane?
(Atau harapan hanya hal yang membuatmu waras?)
A good friend once told me you are memory
(Seorang teman baik berkata padaku kau hanya kenangan)
Without them we equal nothing
Without them we equal nothing
(Tanpa itu semua kita sama bukan apa-apa)
And all I can see is the place I wanna be
And all I can see is the place I wanna be
(Dan semua yang dapat kulihat adalah tempat yang kuinginkan)
Suddenly my life was so free
Suddenly my life was so free
(Seketika hidupku bebas)
Leaves at my feet, blown to the ground
(Dedaunan di kakiku, tertiup ke tanah)
Their echoes are reaching my ears
Their echoes are reaching my ears
(Gema mereka sampai di telingaku)
Nights coming fast, suns going down
Nights coming fast, suns going down
(Malam cepat datang, matahari tenggelam)
But keep away from me, keep away from me
But keep away from me, keep away from me
(Tapi jauhi aku, jauhi aku)
(It's hard to keep me in this place, keep away from me)
(It's hard to keep me in this place, keep away from me)
We may have created the beginning, mentally
(Kami mungkin diciptakan di awal, secara mental)
We may have created the beginning, physically
We may have created the beginning, physically
(Kami mungkin diciptakan diawal, secara fisik)
To the end of our human existence
To the end of our human existence
(Diakhir keberadaan manusia)
I see through you
(Aku melihat melaluimu)
The fear that's in your eyes
The fear that's in your eyes
(Ketakutan dimatamu)
A good friend once told me we are our memory
(Seorang kawan baik beerkata padaku kita adalah kenangan kita)
Without it we equal nothing
Without it we equal nothing
(Tanpa itu kita sama bukan apa-apa)
And all I can see is the place I wanna be
And all I can see is the place I wanna be
(Dan semua yang dapat kulihat adalah tempat yang kuinginkan)
Timeless my life was so free
Timeless my life was so free
(Abadi hidupku sangat bebas)
Leaves at my feet, blown to the ground
(Dedaunan di kakiku, tertiup angin)
Their echoes are reaching my ears
Their echoes are reaching my ears
(Gema mereka sampai ke telingaku)
Nights coming fast, suns going down, confused
Nights coming fast, suns going down, confused
(Malam datang dengan cepat, matahari tenggelam, membingungkan)
I don't know the answers but neither do you
I don't know the answers but neither do you
(Aku tak tahu jawabannya begitu juga kamu)
My Fairytale:
Kita berpikir hidup sangatlah membingungkan
Semua tergantung kita menyikapinya
Tidak semua pertanyaan perlu kita cari jawabannya
Karena terkadang
Jawaban itu ada di dalm diri kita
Si Jelek yang terkadang juga kehilangan arah dalam hidup, tapi percaya Tuhan kan selalu menuntun :)))
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