my beating heart is getting tired
(Detak jantungku mulai lelah)
tonight it feels like it's on fire
tonight it feels like it's on fire
(Malam ini terasa terbakar)
and I'm driving all alone
and I'm driving all alone
(Dan aku berkendara sendiri)
my hand is on my phone
my hand is on my phone
(Tanganku menggenggam telepon)
waiting for you to call me
waiting for you to call me
(Menantimu menelponku)
please pick up the phone and call me
please pick up the phone and call me
(Tolong angkat telponmu dan telpon aku)
cause I'm lonely and my mind is aching
cause I'm lonely and my mind is aching
(Karena aku kesepian dan pikiranku gundah)
can't you see I'm for the taking
can't you see I'm for the taking
(Tidakkah kau lihat aku siap?)
you are my only hope
(Kau satu-satunya harapanku)
but youre so far
but youre so far
(Tapi kau sangat jauh)
and you are my only hope
and you are my only hope
(Dan kau satu-satunya harapanku)
so come back home
so come back home
(Jadi pulanglah)
from where you are
from where you are
(Dari manapun kau berada)
I see your face on everyone
(Kulihat wajahmu pada setiap orang)
like the constant beating of the sun
like the constant beating of the sun
(Seperti detak matahari yang terus-menerus)
right on my skin
right on my skin
(Tepat di kulitku)
I'm suffering without you
I'm suffering without you
(Aku menderita tanpamu)
I'm tired i reach for my stereo
I'm tired i reach for my stereo
(Aku lelah kuraih stereoku)
it's starting to sound real close to home
it's starting to sound real close to home
(Ini mulai terasa sangat mirip dengan rumah)
and I cant bear
and I cant bear
(Dan aku tak tahan)
to sleep here without you
to sleep here without you
(Tidur disini tanpamu)
you are my only hope
(Kau satu-satunya harapanku)
but you're so far
but you're so far
(Tapi kau sangat jauh)
and you are my only hope
and you are my only hope
(Dan kaulah satu-satunya harapanku)
so come back home
so come back home
(Jadi pulanglah)
from where you are
from where you are
(Darimanapun kau berada)
just come back home
from where you are
from where you are
(Dari manapun kau berada)
just come back home
just come back home
sometimes I feel like I was mistaken
(Terkadang aku merasa telah keliru)
you must be an angel
you must be an angel
(Kamu pasti seorang malaikat)
sit down and teach me what life was all about
sit down and teach me what life was all about
(Duduk dan ajariku tentang arti hidup)
I see myself changing
I see myself changing
(Kulihat diriku berubah)
no longer a stranger
no longer a stranger
(Tak lagi orang asing)
you gave me a reason to never die
you gave me a reason to never die
(Kau beriku sebuah alasan untuk tak menyerah)
you are my only hope
(Hanya kau satu-satunya harapanku)
but you're so far
but you're so far
(Tapi kau begitu jauh)
and you are my only hope
and you are my only hope
(Dan kau satu-satunya harapanku)
so come back home
so come back home
(Jadi pulanglah)
from where you are
from where you are
(Darimanapun kau berada)
Everyday I love you more and more
Everyday I check my phone just to see
Is there any messages from you?
Is that you try to contact me or not?
It sounds crazy, right
And will be more crazy that there isn't no messages from you
Yea maybe i was mistaken
You like an angel
You've change me, my life